
Senin, 28 Januari 2013

Tips Dan Trick Harvest Moon DS

1. Tempat-Tempat Harvest Sprite dan cara mendapatkanya

TeGuts (Brown Team Leader) You will acquire this Sprite in the 1st scene with the Witch Princess 

Jackie (Brown Team) Try to leave the Valley by going east along the path that leads to Mineral Town 

Jum (Brown Team) Press A button at the Fountain in Romana's Courtyard  

Tep (Brown Team) Press A button in front of the stove to the left of the Inner Inn 

Hops (Brown Team) Press A button in front of the Well next to the Blue Bar 

Roller (Brown Team) On 8 Spring, walk towards Vesta's farm, crossing the bridge

Jet (Brown Team) Press A when standing to the north of Van's orange crate at    the end of the corridor on the 2nd floor of the Inner Inn

Black Sprite Station Team
Neptune (Brown Team) Available from the start 

Mercury (Black Team) In your 1st scene with Guts, Mercury will be found  

Uranus (Black Team) Raise a villager's FP to 100     

Venus (Black Team) Purchase an item from Karen's Supermarket for 10 days

Earth (Black Team) Rescue 20 Harvest Sprites

Saturn (Black Team) Participate in 3 Festivals. (You must participate actively, but this includes eating a dish prepared by Kai at the Beach Festival, so if you enter a Chicken in the Chicken Festival and a Cow in the Cow Festival, you can unlock Saturn the morning after the 1st Cow Festival.)

Jupiter (Black Team) Purchase 5 Records from Jet at the Sprite Company Shop Mars (Black Team) Ship at least 300 of a single type of item produced on your farm (crops, fruit, flowers or ranch products, but no processed items

Pluto (Black Team) Ship at least 100,000 items of a single type of item produced on your farm (crops, fruit, flowers or ranch products, but no processed items) N.B. The easiest way to do this is by shipping 100,000 Small Milks using the Ranch Bonus trick

Blue Watering Team
Karaf (Blue Team) Press A while standing next to your watering pond 

Misty (Blue Team) Fill your Watering Can 10 times 

Ceruleano (Blue Team Leader) Water a secret designated square of crop land

Eviran (Blue Team) Water a secret designated square of crop land

Owen (Blue Team) Water a secret designated square of crop land. In Game 1, it was 4 squares up, on the eastern edge of the plot of land to the west of the Waterfall

Roli (Blue Team) Upgrade your Watering Can to Mystrile Level, then use it

Maddie (Blue Team) Find the Cursed Watering Can, then have it Blessed

Chorori(Blue Team) Water 1000 squares of crop land

Walter (Blue Team) Water 5000 squares of crop land

Rainy (Blue Team) Water 10,000 squares of crop land

Joro (Blue Team) Water 30,000 squares of crop land

Potty (Blue Team) Water 50,000 squares of crop land

Red Animal Husbandry Team
Red Ribbon (Red Team Leader) Have a total of 10 adult Cows and Sheep. This requires 3 Animal Barns

Wooly (Red Team) Ship at least 300 Milk, Eggs and/or Wool. Actually, you can ship 300 of one of these items or any combination.

Laine (Red Team) Ship at least 500 Milk, Eggs and/or Wool

Essa (Red Team) Ship at least 1000 Milk, Eggs and/or Wool

Betty (Red Team) Shear 100 pieces of Wool using your Touch Glove

Chamy (Red Team) Shear 300 pieces of wool using the Touch Glove

Ole (Red Team) Shear 700 pieces of wool using the Touch Glove

Sue (Red Team) Collect 100 bottles of Milk using the Touch

Magic (Red Team) Collect 300 bottles of Milk using the Touch Glove

Bali (Red Team) Collect 700 bottles of Milk using the Touch Glove

Mick (Red Team) Have a total of 10 Poultry (Chickens and Ducks). You will need 3 Bird Barns for them

Woohoo (Red Team) Have a total of 20 Poultry (Chickens and Ducks). You will need 5 Bird Barns for them

Yellow Animal Care Team
Kali (Yellow Team) Pick up, brush or speak to your Animals 50 times without using the Touch Glove. Pets count!

Johnny (Yellow Team) Pick up, brush or speak to your Animals 350 times without using the Touch Glove

Brushy (Yellow Team) Pick up, brush or speak to your Animals 900 times without using the Touch Glove

Mouton (Yellow Team) Use the Touch Glove 50 times to pet your Animals

Boohoo (Yellow Team) Use the Touch Glove 100 times to pet your Animals

Canal (Yellow Team) Use the Touch Glove 300 times to pet your Animals

Meow (Yellow Team) Use the Touch Glove 500 times to pet your Animals

Beta (Yellow Team) Wash your animals 50 times using the Brush and Touch Glove

Aiylee (Yellow Team) Wash your animals 100 times using the Brush and Touch Glove

Pompom (Yellow Team) Wash your animals 300 times using the Brush and Touch Glove

Zoo (Yellow Team) Wash your animals 500 times using the Brush and Touch Glove

Canary (Yellow Team Leader) Have 15 animals born on your farm (Poultry and/or Livestock

Green Crop Harvesting Team
Veggie (Green Team) Purchase the Basket from Karen's 

Supermarket and place an item in it

Kevin (Green Team) Place an item in your horse's saddlebags

Kamar (Green Team) Ship 1 Cabbage

Moor (Green Team) Ship 1 Pineapple


Vail (Green Team) Ship 1 Green Pepper

Fraw (Green Team) Place 1000 items in the Shipping Container

Ridge (Green Team) Place 5000 items in the Shipping Container

Ali (Green Team) Place 10,000 items in the Shipping Container

Cady (Green Team) Place 30,000 items in the Shipping Container

Paddy (Green Team) Place 50,000 items in the Shipping Container

Forest (Green Team Leader) Upgrade your Scythe to Mystrile and use it

Matthew (Green Team) Find the Cursed Scythe and have it Blessed

Indigo Fishing Team
Blue (Indigo Team Leader) Cast your Fishing Rod in the Hot Spring by the Circus grounds. This is the Hot Spring unlocked by Flora's 3rd Heart Event

Riviera (Indigo Team) Cast your Fishing Rod in the watering pond on your farm

Yacht (Indigo Team) Cast your Fishing Rod in the  Pond   (Gotz must build it).

Paige (Indigo Team) Catch 50 Fish

Fry (Indigo Team) Catch 500 Fish

Rod (Indigo Team) Catch 1000 Fish

Gigi (Indigo Team) Catch 5000 Fish

Pedro (Indigo Team) Catch 10,000 Fish

Tricky (Indigo Team) Catch 50,000 Fish

Fisher (Indigo Team) Upgrade your Fishing Rod to Mystrile and use it

Reese (Indigo Team) Cast your Fishing Rod in the Hot Spring by the Goddess Spring. This is the Hot Spring unlocked when you have used the 1st Hot Spring 100 times or given birth to a child

Sammy (Indigo Team) Find the Cursed Fishing Rod and have it Blessed

N.B. In terms of catching a specific number of fish in order to rescue Harvest Sprites, your Fishing Team can help you reach the required total but they cannot rescue the Sprite themselves. After the total has been reached, simply cast your line into a fishing area in order to rescue the Sprite yourself.
Orange Gathering Team

Oran (Orange Team Leader) Give Thomas the item he requests on 2 Winter

Bran (Orange Team) Chop 100 branches with your Axe

Decoy (Orange Team) Chop 250 branches with your Axe

Woody (Orange Team) Chop 500 branches with your Axe

Pierre (Orange Team) Split 15 stumps with your Axe

Tilus (Orange Team) Smash 100 stones with your Hammer

Stony (Orange Team) Smash 250 stones with your Hammer

Rosh (Orange Team) Smash 500 stones with your Hammer

Alpen (Orange Team) Smash 5 large smooth stones with your Hammer

Rocky (Orange Team) Smash 15 large smooth stones with your 

Hammer. ( N.B. You may not find 15 smooth stones in the Valley initially. Smooth stones only appear after heavy storms like typhoons. If you control the weather in your game, and do not allow any storms to occur, you may not be able to rescue this Sprite until you experience at least one heavy storm:)

Valie (Orange Team) Upgrade your Axe to Mystrile and use it

Fen (Orange Team) Find the Cursed Hammer and have it Blessed

Purple Recovery Team
Spirity (Purple Team) Purchase 1 drink at the Blue Bar

Souly (Purple Team) Purchase 50 drinks at the Blue Bar

Anime (Purple Team) Eat 30 pieces of any type/s of Wild Grass

Powery (Purple Team) Eat 80 pieces of any type/s of Wild Grass

Koto (Purple Team) Eat 150 pieces of any type/s of Wild Grass

Violetto (Purple Team Leader) Use Hot Springs by the Circus grounds 200 hours

Carey (Purple Team) Use the Hot Springs by the Goddess Pond for 200 hours

Sage (Purple Team) Use the Hot Springs by the Goddess Pond for 500 hours

Nette (Purple Team) When hired, ask Recovery team to restore your Stamina 100 times

Holt (Purple Team) When hired, ask Recovery Team to restore your Stamina 250 times

Junior (Purple Team) When hired, ask Recovery Team to restore your Stamina 750 times

Sante (Purple Team) When hired, ask Recovery Team to restore your Stamina 1000 times
White Team

Baby (White Team): Press A in front of the large Pot to the left of the counter in the Sprite Company Tree after finding 60 Sprites and rescuing the Harvest Goddess.ll her about the farm (+3000LP).

Sorry bahasa inggris capek ngetik semuanya kalo diartiin pake google terjemahan aja

2.Syarat Menikah

a.Lihat semua heart event

b.menaikkan LPnya sampai 60.000 atau lebih

c. mempunyai big bed

d. terakhir menyelamatkan Harvest Goddes dengan cara menyelamatkan 60 harvest sprites diatas sudah ada caranya

e Sudah Pasti Mempunyai Blue Feather ,dan Proposal!!

3.Heart Event Celia


Heart Events
Her house, rainy day, not Monday (or Tuesday if you connected with FoMT or MFoMT).
10:00am to 12:00pm
Tell Vesta the truth (+3000LP).

Enter the path to the Goddess Pond, not Monday
3:40pm to 6:00pm
Tell her you'll go with her (+3000LP).

The clinic, rainy day, not Winter
6:00am to 12:00pm
Tell Dr. Hardy no (+3000LP).

Bar, not Wednesday
4:00pm to 6:00pm
sorry juga bahasa inggris 



4. Cara mendapatkan kuda.


Jual 1.000 item yang sama.

triknya beli aja chocolate sebanyak banyaknya dan jual, karena harga beli chocolate sama dengan harga jualnya.



5.Cara mendapatkan Alat Pancing.

Pada hari Minggu Datanglah ke rumah Nina Dan Gallen pada siang hari saat mereka berdua berada diluar rumah mereka, dan berbicaralah 2 kali dengan mereka berdua .

Setelah itu ,seingat saya sekitar jam  jam sore menjelang malam yaitu 4P.M-8P.M.

Datanglah kerumah Gallen dan Nina, Akan ada Event, kalau salah jamnya coba aja tunggu sampai mereka berdua masuk kerumah mereka .




6.Cara mendapatkan bebek.

Suruh Gotz Membuat Pond .

Setelah selesai lalu kalian bisa membeli bebek dari poultry farm.



7.Cara Mendapatkan 1th mine -2nd mine menurut pengalaman saya.

a.1th mines Datang Ke Situs penggalian pada jam 9.00PM sambil mengequip palu.

b.2th mine caranya sama seperti 1th mine tetapi ini 1/2hari berikutnya.



8.Cara Menghubungkan Ds dengan GBA.


Caranya Pakai Emulator DeSmuME, Open dulu  HM ds nya ,lalu cari Emulation di pojok kiri atas,dan klik setelah itu cari GBA slot, lalu optionya jadikan GBA Games ,lalu cari HM FOMT/MFOMT DAN KLIK OK dan selamat anda dapat  menemukan orang orang dari mineral town diantaranya elli,doctor,karen,ann,mary,dan sebagainya Selamat Mencoba!!

9.Event piknik



a. Sudah Memiliki anak

b.LP istri 60.000++

c.FP anak 200++

d.anak masih stage 1/baby (masih pake topi)

e.hari cerah

f.terakhir,bangun pagi hari dan istri/suamimu akan mengusulkan tentang piknik.

kamu boleh memilih,boleh di pantai atau di goddes pond